Friday, September 21, 2012

Space Ships in Dallas

I am starting this blog to help people like me, stuck in Dallas-Fort Worth who love to travel and experience exotic and strange things. A few nights ago I took a friend out to see an abandoned spaceship! AKA the "Futuro House" or "UFO house". I found this place on a blog about abandoned old places looking for hospitals, because that's what fancies my friend.
Here is me laying inside the spaceship around 2am.
From the inside it looks pretty shady. Graffiti and trash everywhere and no apparent lingering of the life forms that once lived there. The Futuro houses were built in the 70's for the modern loft-like home shaped like a UFO. Only 50 are known to still exist and they are scattered about the world from Russia to New Zealand, however in Rockwall and Royce city Texas, just 10 miles apart, there are two of these marvelous abandoned space homes.
The one in Royce has earned the nickname "Lost Soul" among the followers of Futuro Houses. The name is painted on the wall here as well as some scripture and rather depressing remarks from others who have squatted this UFO like my self. One remark references Douglas Adams character Marvin, the depressed robot, saying "what is the point?".
My friend and I viewed this wonderful place at night and I have to say the most amazing thing about it was laying on the floor seeing the stars through the windows and as cars drove by on the freeway, the lights, reflecting off the walls countering the many holes for windows, made the ship seam like it was spinning; the passing cars actually sounded like space ships too!
this image is from
He is a avid blogger of these Futuro Homes.
This is a link to a mock web site for the original homes from the 70's!
I hope this is a great start for my new blog about interesting places in Dallas-Fort Worth, I will be keeping it constantly updated. wish me luck!

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